Friday, September 8, 2017

A tangled web

Darkness and deception hide the ancient world from our perception.  It appears at times that a concerted effort has been made to keep humanity's past from herself by disavowing any knowledge of the ancient people's who came before us.

Everywhere you travel on this planet there are ruins and artifacts.  Mind boggling in their design and size. Most are cataloged and filed away like movie props.  We never question where they are stored and how they came to be understood.
Believing  whatever story the Archaeologists and Government Specialists concoct. Never questioning  and demanding answers as we should.

As global citizens it falls to us to question and learn about the mighty civilizations that existed here long before our society came into being. Who were they and where did they go? There has come a time to demand the truth. From our government as well as the Indigenous elders who keep the ancient secrets to dream upon.


A tangled web

Darkness and deception hide the ancient world from our perception.  It appears at times that a concerted effort has been made to keep humani...